TEMC Code of Ethics

The Elite Mindset Coaching abides by the Code of Ethics guidelines provided by both the EMCC and the ICF. Copies of the documents can be found below:

EMCC Code of Ethics

ICF Code of Ethics

Complaints Process

Filing an Ethical Complaint with the EMCC

The purpose of the EMCC Global Complaints and Disciplinary Process is to uphold appropriate standards of professional conduct amongst the communities of coaching, mentoring, supervision professionals, as guided by the Global Code of Ethics. In other words, to protect the general public using the services of professionals, to ensure that members and non-members are best served by EMCC Global and all volunteers who work on EMCC Global’s behalf, to build and maintain confidence in the industry, and to improve the quality of service delivered by professionals who are members of EMCC and non-members holding an EMCC accreditation.

An executive summary of the complaint procedure can be viewed here

A full version of the complaints procedure applies and can be viewed here

Please contact complaints@emccglobal.org for more information.

Filing an Ethical Complaint with the ICF

Before filing a ethical complaint against an ICF Professional (individuals who are representing themselves as an ICF Member or an ICF Credential-holder, in roles including but not limited to Coach, Coach Supervisor, Coach Trainer and Student of Coaching), you will first want to review the Ethical Conduct Review (ECR) information and Sample Form, both of which are linked in the section above.

Then, walk through the Decision Tree Questionnaire to help determine if you should file a complaint. This survey is linked below. Upon completion of the Decision Tree questionnaire, you will find a link to the Ethical Conduct Review complaint form.

If you have any questions about filing a complaint, please contact ethics@coachingfederation.org