Legal Notice and Terms of Use

1 . Legal notices

The Website is the property of Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching), a one-person micro-entrepreneur registered with the French Registry of Commerce and Companies in Nantes, France under SIRET number 921 483 160 and whose registered office is located: 499 Route de Saint Joseph, 44300 Nantes, France.  Tel: + 33 (0) 9 77 19 74 24;  Email: The publication director of the Website is Alexander Stein, in his capacity as manager of The Elite Mindset Coaching. The Website was designed by Alexander Stein. The pictures used on come from SquareSpace stock images. The Website is hosted on the computer equipment of the company SquareSpace, Inc. based in New York, USA.

2. Terms of use

The user acknowledges the present legal notices and terms of use and agrees to abide by them. The Elite Mindset Coaching reserves the right to modify this notice at any time. The user therefore undertakes to consult these terms of use on a regular basis.

3. Personal data

Within the framework of the present Website, the user may be required to communicate personal data through the "contact" tab.

In accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, the persons whose data are collected have a right of access, modification, deletion, opposition to the processing of their data, along with a right of portability of same.

The Website also uses different cookies.

The conditions applicable to data processing and the use of cookies are set forth in the Privacy Policy. 

4. Intellectual Property

All distinctive signs as well as the presentation and content of the Website are the exclusive property of Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching) and are protected by intellectual property laws and conventions. It is therefore prohibited to reproduce, represent, copy, translate, arrange same in another work or on another Website without the express and prior authorization of Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching).

5. Warranty and liability

Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching) makes every effort to ensure that the information accessible through The Elite Mindset Coaching’s Website is accurate and up to date, but does not warrant same. 

Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching) gives no guarantee, whether express or implied, with respect to the Website, whether in whole or in part. The Elite Mindset Coaching may not be held liable for the access and content of third-party websites linked to the Website.

Under no circumstances may Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching) be held liable for any damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature and consequence may be, resulting from the user's consultation of the Website. In particular, Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching) may not be held liable in the event of interruptions or inaccessibility of the Website, if bugs occur, or in case of any damage resulting from third party fraudulent acts (such as intrusions).

Alexander Stein (d.b.a. The Elite Mindset Coaching) may not be held liable under any circumstances for the content available on third-party websites accessible through hypertext links available on the Website.

6. Amendments to the legal notices

These legal notices and terms of use may be modified at any time. Such modifications will be published online and are deemed accepted without reservation when website users consult and access the Website after such modified legal notices and terms of use are posted online.

7. Disputes and applicable law

The present legal notices and terms of use are governed by French law. Subject to the applicable provisions, in the event of a dispute arising from the use of the Website or the services offered on it, the Courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Nantes, France, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the matters at hand. 

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